We're a close-knit family run business. We are a reliable and professional operation. A friendly atmosphere is very important to us. Life is about the experiences we share. We enjoy sharing life with like-minded individuals who love to discuss all the finer details.
We believe that our passion for motorcycles is as important as our expertise, and that's what you rely on
Many people have asked where we got the name "GMEC" from and this is what Mark had to say.
The name "GMEC" was born from a period many years ago of deep personal and professional difficulty.
But every dark cloud has a silver lining, and in this case, good friends and family were that very thing. After recovering and finding a new place to live, only a job was required - something that was to prove illusive! Starting a small business seemed the only answer - but with no money, and living on vouchers, that was going to be difficult.
Along came a dear close friend by the name of " Bob Kraft" who had an old van sat in his field. The van was given to me free of charge along with some tools and the idea of being a mobile motorcycle and car mechanic as that was my background. All that was needed was a name - unable to come up with anything sensible, I was at a loss - but after stood deliberating in front of the van one evening, I thought "lets just take the letters off its number plate" -
G86 MEC - GMEC was born!
The business did very well, but was moth balled following a good job offer. GMEC was re-born with the help and support of my new partner Michelle, 6 yr old daughter Clare and our new-born son Liam. The GMEC name has been kept in tribute to my late great friend Bob, who was the kind of friend you have once in a life-time - if your lucky enough! Gone but never forgotten!
Mark Gecko
Mark Gecko
Proprietor, Mechanic/Technician, MOT Tester
Tel: 01944 711596
E-mail: gmec@hotmail.co.uk
Background: Ex Speedway and Grasstrack Rider - body intact - brain - maybe not!!!
lifetime of engineering experience and still enjoying learning more!
Motor racing led to the need for improved fitness, and so it became my great hobby! First becoming a Martial Arts Instructor including Western Boxing, before going on to gain a double (iawa) World Weightlifting Record, a Britian and World Championship runner-up, a Northern and Eastern Natural Bodybuilding Champion and double Great Britian Finalist as well as World Qualifier are all proud achievements.
There are some great things planned for GMEC this year i have promised not crash a motorcycle and end up in hospital - fingers crossed!
Michelle Kilvington
Partner/Does everything else!
Tel: 01944 711596
Email: gmec@hotmail.co.uk
This young lady is an absolute star, lucky to have her as my partner, business and private.
Doing a fantastic job with our two children, and not bad at everything else!!
Love you babe x
Background: Puts up with me - enough said!!!!!
THE LATE Tanyia Vanderstock.
She was an incredibly valued member of our team and a great friend too.
Being a happily married mother of 7, Tanyia came to work for a much needed break. You could find Tanyia either on the cafe counter or in the kitchen.
She got her thrill's riding Pillion and enjoyed watching the motorcycle racing!! She is so missed by everyone, and has left such a large hole in all our lives. RIP, Give em hell!
Maurice O'Sullivan
Tel: 01944 711596
e.mail: gmec@hotmail.co.uk
Background: Pan european owner - er, no it's not in the picture!!
All weather rider - now he has his cb400n back!
Loves banging up the miles - maybe France this year.
Always up for a laugh and all round good geezer ,another valuable member of our team!